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How to Attract the Right Talent for Your Company
Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Category: NMC Hosted Meetings & Events

How to Attract the Right Talent for Your Company

Jane Thielen of Rising Sun Connections will be sharing hot tips and current info on how companies can ensure they are using up-to-date practices for attracting today's top talent. Recruiting the best talent involves much more today than it used to. Gone are the days of just posting to aggregate job boards and moving on. You have to know where your future employees are spending their time, how to talk to them, and ensure your website answers their questions about your company culture, benefits, and working environment.

Jane will take what may feel like an overwhelming task and break it down into actionable steps you can take this week to start filling your open positions by the end of the month!

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