Armstrong said the museum hosted 254,000 visitors in 2021, 4,000 more than in 2019, while much of the staff laid off during the pandemic has been rehired. He said employees are now being cross-trained in various historic crafts and skills to better staff the museum.  

In addition, he said, the museum has boosted its minimum wage to $15 an hour, and employees, with the exception of senior staff, were given raises.

Armstrong said the marina was full with visiting boaters in 2021. That popularity has prompted the museum to install floating docks so it can now accommodate more boats this year.

With the hiring of a new catering company, the Galley restaurant will be renamed with new offerings, and the Spouter Tavern, part of the village, will be renovated and serve hot food.  

Armstrong said the museum is placing an emphasis on becoming a food destination and will be hosting more food-related events as well as concerts, which were affected by the pandemic.

The museum store has been refurbished, the Anchor Cafe is now located where the bakery once was, and the bookstore has been expanded. Armstrong said the goal is to make the latter the preeminent maritime bookstore. 

He added that last year the museum replaced the roofs of 14 buildings, and maintenance work will continue, including improving handicapped access to many of the historic buildings such as by improving the walkway around the village so visitors with wheelchairs and assistive devices can navigate what is now the now a dirt and cobblestone path.

Armstrong said more work is being done to digitize its collection of photographs and film and other artifacts so they can be accessed online.

"A lot of it is behind closed doors now," he said.

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